My Plagiarized Halloween Costume

My friend Bjorn kicks ass. He's the master of the pun, and he teaches psychology, and he's got a big beard. It makes perfect sense that he would come up with a Hallosween costume idea that was so cool, I actually had to steal it. Thankfully, he lives five hours away and won't be able to lay down the smack (too bad) on me.
I, therefore, give you my Halloween costume for this year: Beelzebubba. I should note that I also had a cowboy hat with horns I sewed onto it, but it was hot so I had the headband horns as well.
Halloween is not my best holiday. It stopped being cool right around eighth grade, and though I dressed up a couple of times since (kitty and flapper, most notably), I've mostly avoided it since. It seems awkward and silly, and a lot of work. My friends Pelof and Mary love Halloween, though, and I must admit that their enthusiasm started rubbing off when I was invited to their Halloween bash last Saturday. I had to think of a costume, and quick!! I considered a Washington D.C. War Protester (yes, they do have a certain look to them), but in the end, it was Beelzebubba that won out. The party was fun, and despite my curmudgeonly attitude towards Halloween, I actually enjoyed putting the dark stuff around my eyes (scary!) and drawing on big freckles (hick-like!!). Thank you, Bjorn!!